Monday, November 16, 2015

Few notes about November

 I was able to attend a Social Work conference at BYU and reconnected with a few classmates. That is always fun. Plus it is 8 hours towards my LCSW!

Jamin Drew Nielson was blessed the first weekend of the month. He is a little cutie and his father Bill gave a nice blessing. Dad in the back ground is still in crisis with his back, he is consulting with a surgeon this week to see what can be done about the protruding discs in his spine.

large door for cleaning bedding, back door for collecting eggs

All done! added some vents and a chicken door this weekend. When summer comes we will add a ramp and run.
Jared has spent every Saturday for two months working on this chicken coop and we finally got to a place we feel ok to stop for the winter. If I can find out how to get chicks in the middle of the winter we will start the craziness of owning chickens. It was very nice of Jared to build me a coop.

Jared came with me to go Christmas shopping and was taking his time perusing the merchandise at IKEA. He doesn't like buying more stuff kids don't need, especially so far in advance, which feels late to me, so it was very nice of him to come and give me some input. I tried to be very modest this year, but still like to make it fun.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Survived another halloween

 Fiora decided to throw a party for Halloween with her friends. She planned, shopped for, and put together the whole thing with her friend Kimee, and I just provided transportation and cleaned the house for guests. It was a big success and she had a lot of fun. She was a vampire this year.

 Savanna decided to be Miranda Sings, and had to explain who that is to quite a few adults (teen youtube star), but her peers thought she pulled it off great! She bought these red pants and ironed on the Miranda motto.

 The Barretts wanted to have a Halloween costume party, so October 31st I made them all breakfast and we played games and voted on the best costume. I even dressed up, no one voted for me though! Krystal, dracula's bride, Kelsy, viking princess, and Weston, Link from Zelda, won the most votes!

Costume winner, Link
 Weston had to wear an Egyptian headress and Minot for school and I donned them later because he wouldn't. In fact he loved his Link costume so much he put it back on on Sunday!
Dad trying to not be in agony
My dad's still suffering with severe back pain. He had an MRI scan this week and they found lesions on his bones in his lower spine, so he needs to have a bone scan done and a lot of prayers. Continue to pray for dad!
Other things that happened in October, we celebrated some birthdays with family members--my mom, Katy Sue, and on the Schauers side Sandy Snow. The kids had fun at Cornbelly's with Karli and Grant, and Weston did a great job on a talk in the primary program. Savanna continues to creatively exercise her nail art talent. Mom played for me to sing at a Relief Society social her son "Thanksgiving Hosanna" and it turned out great! She writes the greatest music, and I love to share it. I was called to be choir director and personal progress advisor in my ward, and have some crunch time things to pull together for both (YW in Excellence in 3 weeks, Christmas program in 7 weeks.) Grateful for all our healtha nd safety and love so we can do the many things we are called to do.

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...