Monday, August 5, 2019

Weston retiring from gymnastics

Why Weston is no longer in gymnastics...we have been getting that question a lot this summer. It's honestly hard to answer. Weston would tell you he was injured last December and it was hard to be competitive after that which forced an early retirement. But it's more layered than that. Gymnastics is an elite sport, it takes a great deal of discipline and strength, but with that comes a lot of self importance and individual competitiveness that can be toxic and we don't want for our son. Weston never enjoyed the competition aspect of it anyway, he just liked learning the skill and getting the exercise, so spending thousands of dollars on meet fees and traveling expenses didn't make any sense.

It has been a rather painful letting go for me but Weston is bearing it well. We are grateful for the time he did have in gym, loved watching him, and think it did good things for him. We tried to take the good with the bad but the costs for us outweighed the benefits.  He built endurance and we hope to channel that into some sports in high school he can enjoy for the next few years, and hopefully he can coach gymnastics sometime in the future because he really enjoys that. Hope this clears things up! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this boy. I knew there must be more because of what I know about the beautiful human that is Weston. Thank you for posting this even though it is really none of our business.

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...