Thursday, June 10, 2010


So, June, you think you can just slip away from me like May did? Think you can run through my fingers like a sieve? Well, I am sitting down right now and writing something that has happened in June before you get any farther! We have been spending a lot of time with the Schauers side as graduations and ordinations have been celebrated. It is fun to play cards with a group of roudy Snow kids and savy Shawna. Savanna has a snow cone business, she was donated a old but well-working ice shaver machine from her Grandpa Neil and invested 13 dollars in supplies, and has already earned 8 dollars and has only had one selling day! She is a marvel. She has only had one selling day because things keep happening around here. Weston and Savanna are shin guard deep in soccer camp in the mornings. The kids have taken over the house chores, which I'm sure is harder for Karli than just doing it herself, but she is cooperating and obeying my orders to make the kids do it. Kynsie turned 15, Krystal turned 17, Grandma R turned 89, and each of those birthdays came with celebrations. Karli took the kids to Grandma Barrett's overnight so she could be with her sister Krystal on her birthday and the kids got passed around to all the family members up there in Eagle Mountain all day. Holly ended up with them, and poor thing, was responsible for getting nine children all by herself down to Orem for a pool party for Krystal. I'm sure you can guess what happened, one kid was left in Eagle Mountain, and that one kid happened to be Weston. I came straight from work to the pool and was pretty frantic when Holly showed up with not nine but eight children and none of them had noticed that Weston had NOT been in the van with them for the past 30 minutes. My dad and I jumped in his car and got on our cell phones calling Gabe and their next door neighbors and luckily for us, Gabe was in Lehi and turned around to go rescue little guy. A neighbor found him waiting outside for someone, anyone, and let me talk to him on the phone. It took an hour or so but we eventually got him there and I was able to breathe easier. Not fun to leave a kid behind. I blame myself as much as anyone that happened, one of those not fun things that happens when you don't watch your own children. We still had a party, Weston didn't get to swim, but he was safe. Later that night I asked him what he did and he said, "I don't want to talk about it because it makes me cry." Already trying to be a big boy. I told him waiting for someone was the right thing to do and if he ever wants to talk about it I am here. I gave him just 10 or so extra hugs that night, so grateful he was ok. His birthday is on Monday and I hope I have a minute or two next week to post about it.

The following pictures I have been taking from my new awesome phone. I think it does pretty well for a phone. This one is Fiora playing with the playdough Savanna got for her birthday.

This is Savanna at the pool party, she felt bad about Weston for about five minutes and then jumped in the pool. Silly.

This is us waiting for Weston to get back and watching Krystal open her presents. Cute baby Sophie.

This is Krystal receiving tickets to an Imogen Heap concert, her very favorite musical artist ever. Often her facebook status is "I love Imogen."

This is Savanna playing with Jared's new phone, he got the most latest and greatest sprint model out there, but I forgot the name of it.

This is me and Weston happily reunited.


Holly said...

i agree time is going way to fast! were did may go? and i am so thankful weston was ok! and when he does ever want to talk about it i am curiouse how we didnt get him in the van! what a cute boy! give him ten hugs from me!

Stacy said...

Oh my goodness! Now that is scary - I probably would have passed out. I am so glad he was smart and stayed there! Wow - life is crazy and flying by! Miss you but had fun sitting with you on Sunday - we'll have to make it a weekly thing!

Cami said...

Oh my scary times!!! Poor poor Weston. That is not fun. And I love Imogen too. :)

Family Pictures December 23, 2024