Monday, August 13, 2012

Plays, pools, and parties

At the Scera Shell
We took advantage of our Pass of all Passes that got us tickets to Scera's outdoor production of Fiddler on the Roof. There were a lot of people there! The play was well done and the weather was perfect. In all honesty the kids were really bored, but they need to get out and experience a late night play once in a while!

Having a lesson

Tossing water balloons, Sarah and I won

Savanna is becoming quite the baker!
Our friends/neighbors the Allreds came over for a barbecue and while Jared Schauers was slaving over the fire pit cooking all the meat, Jared Allred was directing the kids in a water balloon game and object lesson. Savanna loves babysitting/playing with the Allred girls, and Weston loves playing video games with Tanner, and I love watching little Spencer! They are great neighbors. Savanna helped Laynie make cookies after dinner. It was a fun party!

Side note: Since I have sworn off all forms of refined sugars, Savanna has taken it upon herself to be the baker in the family.  She makes cookies, zucchini bread, and more cookies.  She wants to branch out and make a cake now.  She's a natural, and if the mess afterwards is any indication of the degree of intensity she puts into cooking, then she is super focused and talented!

Diving for Dimes
 "Lindon Days" were in progress last week. We took advantage of "Free family swim day" at the Lindon aquatics center, they had a sponsor throwing dimes in the lap pool and everyone got to dive for them. Weston got 1 dime. We had a ward party the same week and we were able to go to the Lindon pool as part of that ward party, so we went back again. Two pool trips in one week!  For some reason none of the kids wanted to go to the Lindon parade Saturday, so we spent the morning working in the yard, ha ha.

The rest of the pictures are just random shots from the past week. The fishing shots of Weston were actually a couple weeks ago.

Fiora made her doll a house

Dinner at the Barretts

Bill made ratatouille

Weston is Jared's fishing buddy

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Family Pictures December 23, 2024