Monday, September 16, 2013

Fun events

I took the girls to a play "The Curious Savage" bc Savanna needed to see a play for Drama and Orchestra. They seemed a little bored at first but the second half was pretty funny and they both left saying they liked it. This was also the day we went tot he mall and the huge rainstorm hit and we had to walk through a flooded parking lot to get to the car. We were soaked. Shawna Schauers let me use her flip flops which I was very grateful for and felt very self conscious wearing to a nice event like a play in the Hale Center Theater. But I loved the play!

The Lindon elementary school carnival was actually really fun this year. The kids loved running around to all the booths and events, getting prizes, and Wes especially loved the blow up obstacle course, and we had a nice hamburger dinner. Fiora got her hair colored. Even big junior highschool girl savanna had a fun time.
 Also pictures of a couple cute kids all spruced up for picture day!

Jesse and Kelsy invited us to Lagoon for FREE with the Nuskin employees. Weston and Jared were on an overnight Father Sons campout, and Savanna hates rollercoasters and heights, so I just took Fiora. She went on about 8 rides before she got motion sick and had to stop. It was fun times, we all took turns taking care of baby Knightly. We waited 10-20 minutes for the rides, but we were in line for an hour for the food, but it was free so I can't complain! Heidi Gabe Lucy and Rachel got tickets from Jesse too.  It was a fun party, we stayed til 10:45 PM. Thanks Jess!

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February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...