Friday, September 20, 2013

Math and Orchestra troubles

Junior high has thrown Savanna a couple of curve balls that unfortunately are spilling over and affecting me. One is that Savanna's orchestra teacher has the PR skills of Ebenezer Scrooge, and Sav is getting a real attitude about having to put up with this lady, and its souring her on everything orchestra and violin related. I've worked quite hard the past 4 years trying to keep Sav interested in and thriving in violin, so its not making me happy that Savanna hates her orchestra teacher and is in the back of the class stuck playing violin 2 the entire year. Not that I think Sav is so great at violin and should be a first, but she certainly is getting lost in the shuffle and Sav doesn't really thrive on being ignored and then corrected sternly, and even insultingly at times. I have other moms' testaments to this frustration, just think female Scrooge, and that's her teacher. But at least Sav has managed to scrape an A out of her class the first month, after redoing several things that she didn't have exactly right or missed an instruction or two on. I'm quite tired of hearing Savanna gripe about it, and knowing this is the only orchestra teacher in this school, we have 3 years of this if she can keep it up, and I have little hope that she will. I told her she has to stick with it until at least 8th grade. 

The other curve ball is math class, I have never seen Sav struggle so much with math, she has always been independent at doing math homework, and now she is asking questions and arguing and fighting with Jared and I when we try to learn and explain it to her most every A-day, and she is missing assignments that she claims she turned in, and she got a C- on her test this week. Savanna told me several times her teacher "can't teach math" and Sav zones out and doesn't understand her, and several of the students are struggling to understand how she explains concepts, and many students are transferring out.  I hate to transfer my kids, I feel like there is always something to be learned from every teacher difficult or not, but I did feel like Sav's grade doesn't reflect the work she is putting into math, so I went to parent teacher conference to see for myself what the problem is.  I'm don't expect every teacher to cater to my 12 year old, and Sav sometimes exaggerates.  So I went to see the math teacher that "can't teach math" and I learned that Savanna wasn't exaggerating. I waited in a 45 minute long line with several other parents fit to be tied that their kids' assignments had been lost so they got a 0 even though they turned them in, their kids who never struggled in math before are completely lost and doing poorly on quizzes and exams, and moms whose kids are begging them to transfer out. One mom really laid into the teacher and I felt quite sorry for her, and I doubt she will be able to keep this job if what I heard is true that several complaints have come to the front office about her. But what do I do? After talking to this teacher for 5 minutes I realized she wasn't a good fit for a jr high, something was definitely off with her (diagnosably off), and Savanna may have to work independently and hard in order to succeed, and might not even get an A then. But I felt some compassion for this lady who was trying her best and was at least cordial to me even after having 4 hours of angry parents in her room. But there is definitely more to the problem than just "transition from elementary to jr high" which this teacher claims is the issue for Savanna. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

The other classes are great, Savanna is thriving in drama, spanish, english, PE, science and CTE.  What doesn't destroy Savanna makes Savanna stronger right? Its hard to see my kid trying and caring and working and getting her confidence shattered and her self esteem blown, but that's part of being in the real world I guess and the rest of her life is pretty dang easy, so on with the jr high journey, and we'll see what the tide brings in next month.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hey Heather! Send Savanna our way. JD is helping Dawson as he struggles and he could help her too. He's really good at explaining the math!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...