Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Fiora is 5! I made a slide show of her life in the past five years, we are so grateful for Fiora in our family. Here are some things we love about Fiora:
1. Good Eater
2. Marvelous dancer
3. Her slight lisp
4. Hugs and cuddles
5. Says, "I love you" often
6. Shares her toys (most of the time)
7. So smart
8. Candy hunter extrodinaire
9. Beautiful brown eyes and big smile
10. Easy to please
My favoirte Fiora quote is:
"Mommy, why did you have me?"
"Because when Savanna wasn't a baby any more I wanted another one."
"Why did you want me?"
"I wanted a sweet little girl just like you."
"I'm glad you had me mommy."


Cami said...

She is so darn cute! I love that little FI! I can't believe it's been 5 years since we were last pregnant together. Tell my cutie Fiora Happy Birthday from me!!

Breanne said...

Happy Birthday Fiora!! I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be her primary teacher last year. She is a sweet girl, and always has something to say :)

Grandma Sandy said...

This is so special. Hope Fiora had a great birthday...I didn't hear (or read) any details. Did she get the funny pictures I e-mailed her? Love you guys LOTS

Family Pictures December 23, 2024