Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Heather and Jared news

Lesson 5 6 9 13 17 20 21 23 M1 M2 F G
Grade A A A- A- A- A A- A B+ A B A-
Percent 96 100 90 90 90 100 93 100 88 96 86 92
Date 05/20 03/17 03/25 04/01 05/20 04/15 05/01 04/25 03/27 04/09 05/22 06/05

I finished this class in April, it took over a month for the instructor to post my grade. But there it is. A-. Not bad, I worked hard for that one. Of course I am working hard in my Statistics and Psychology classes currently, but may not get as good of grades because I am taking them on top of each other. However, my first psychology portfolio came back with 100% and full of praise from the instructor, (I like her:) so I may do alright.

My grandma Rappleye turned 87 this month. I have been enjoying being her play-attending partner the past couple of years. She gets season tickets for plays at BYU and always asks me to accompany her to my delight. I usually drop whatever plans I had to make it happen. I love it!

Having two classes has made it so I have eliminated a few things, like time with Jared. He is SUPER busy himself lately. Property management and scouts keep him hopping. His allergies have been bad this month so far and that makes his nights rough too. But I have been benefitting from the cycling merit badge he is doing for the boys, I get to go with them! So far we have done two 10 milers, two 15 milers, and we still have to do two 25 milers and a 50! I have the best bike of them all, so it's not as hard for me, maybe that's why I love it so much. Jared uses it as our date night.


Stacy said...

Way to go Heather! Nice grades!

Cami said...

Nice job Heav! You are doing great. It must be hard to balance family and school and still do so well. I love the bike riding dates! That is a great way to combine and conquer!

Maria Olson said...

You have always been such a great student, but to still get good grades with a husband and 3 kids to take care of is amazing. You are an inspiration. I love the bike rides. I need to do something like that. Exercising is suppose to be enjoyable. Right?
Tell Jared I feel for him. Allergies are no fun.

Natalie said...

I just caught up. I'm glad you're juggling things pretty well! All of your kids are so funny. I love hearing about the things they say.

Holly said...

ooo grats on the A nice work! i dont know how you do it with the kids. i feel like im a crazy person right now.

Emily N. said...

Wow! Way to go, Heather! In so many ways... :)

In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family