Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kitchen Remodeling

Friday: moved all the decor, appliances and dishes into Weston's room
Saturday: Jared and Aaron ripped out the cracked, stained, sagging counter. Then busted out the undersized, stained, dated 20-year-old cupboards and leaking faucet and sink and took them to the dump
Sunday: Ate dinner at Heidi Weights
Monday: Pecan stained knotty alder cabinets were delivered and installed, from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Heather and Jared in awe of the big beautiful cabintets.
Tuesday: Clean mess and Wait
Wednesday: Granite countertops arrived and installed
Thursday: Faucet coming, granite backsplash finished, microwave hung, plumbing fixed and hardward installed
Friday: Remodeled kitchen finished!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Do you want a knuckle sandwich?

Weston likes to hold up his fists and say "Do you want a knuckle sandwich with extra mayo?" Jared usually returns some "smack talk" but I can't make any response other than laughing.
Here are some highlights of January:

Lillian's birthday the 15th, we put pinwheels by her headstone which is my most favorite thing now, so cute blowing in the wind.

Snowy mount timpanogos, these pictures just don't do the grandeur justice.

Savanna and mom getting their nails done as a reward for her practicing 2 weeks in a row. Bet you can't even tell they are press ons.

Catching Savanna leisure reading, which has never happened.

Fiora looking so cute with her missing tooth.

Finishing the scrap book of our Cancun trip last April.

Making magnetic buttons for my birthday board.

Snow drifts as tall as my son.

Refinancing our home so we could put down a deposit and set a date to redo our kitchen (New cabinets and counters). before and after pictures forthcoming

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It is nice to have Karli living with us. Ever since I can remember she has always carried a special loving spirit and it spreads wherever she goes. It has made me somewhat nostalgic of my childhood. Karli was born when I was 12, some of my favorite memories was running home from school so I could hold and play with Karli. I'd let her come in my room because she wouldn't destroy it like Justin. She often said "I love you." Here are some pictures of how I remember Karli.

Karli holding Krystal

Easter when she was 2

Suddenly she is all eligible and beautiful now. Going to college and institute and a singles ward! I don't know about this growing up thing. I used to have curly hair like she does, before I had kids. Honest! I bet we'd look a lot alike if my hair still curled.

Fun facts about Karli:
-She loves acting and was in 4 plays in highschool
-Her middle name is Sue
-She was the first "book worm" in our family and has read almost every book ever written and we all go to her for advice about books and borrow from her collection.
-She was born March 7 1990 in Orem Utah
-She is working towards an English major
-She is 4' 11"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Boarding House

When Weston sees a stop sign he says "S-T-Zero-P." I asked him why he spells "stop" with a zero instead of an O, he said "zero's are skinny and O's are fat." All stop signs have a skinny zero, you may have noticed.

My sister Karli moved in with us yesterday. A very last minute decision. She started school at UVU today and all her attempts to find a place to live have fallen through so I offered our spare room next to Jesse and Kelsy's room in the basement to her until she finds something. Maybe we'll just keep her. She is a sweet, fun, eligible babysitter. :) That spare room was full of storage I had to find a place for, I wish I had taken a "before" shot. But the final room looked clean, and great. I even found some pictures I love that were in storage to put on her walls. Now that our basement is full of tenents, I feel somewhat like I'm running a boarding house. But Jared and I are more than happy to help out.

Snow storm attack, there was two feet of snow on our deck this morning. It is the most snow I've seen in Utah for a long time. We're getting our exercise shoveling the walks and driveway. So far no accidents!

Here are the kids having fun at Grandma and Grandpa Schauers'. They got to spend the night on New Years Day.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fiora looses a tooth

Fiora had a "first" loose tooth for eight days. She had it so loose she could push it perpendicular with her tongue. We all tried to convince her to just pull it out several times. She wouldn't think of it. And she wouldn't let anyone come near it to wiggle or twist or pull. We would give her apples and carrots and she would strategically bite with her other teeth. As I Heather was tucking Savanna in bed I heard a commotion in the bathroom. I ran to see Jared winning a battle with Fiora to pull out her tooth. Poor Fiora was fighting kicking and screaming but out the tooth came. Trauma! Jared was unabashed and victorious. After the bleeding stopped and some hugs from mom Fiora was excited her tooth was out and even let us snap some pictures. Since Fiora is a sleeper inner the tooth fairy can easily put off giving money until the morning.

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...