Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Letters to Heaven

August 22 was Lillian's death date. It passed by as mostly a regular day, it was Sunday and the choir did sing and I secretly dedicated their song "Our Savior's Love" to Lillian. The FHE prior to this we had a lesson by Savanna and she had us write letters to Heavenly Father. We all miss Grandma Sandy and Lillian. The kids wanted to tie balloons to the letters and send them to Heaven, but I wanted to keep these letters forever. (Jared wrote one too but wouldn't let me scan it.)

My letter to Heaven would pour out my thanks to Heavenly Father for my life, my family, and my Savior. What a wonderful family I have been blessed with. I'm grateful for the strength the Lord gives me every day to do what I need to do and knowing I don't have to do it alone. How wonderful forgivenenss is, and faith, and healing, and I'm thankful for His love and the Spirit. I'm thankful to have the ability to serve the Lord and to be served by all my spirit brothers and sisters on this earth. "And at last when I've completed all you've sent me here to do, in thy Holy habitation may I come and dwell with you!"


Amy said...

Oh Heather that brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe another year has past already. My heart is with you.

Stacy said...

So sweet! I love that Savanna thought of that herself. What sweet kids you have. Good luck with school. And who's the bully?

Emily N. said...

I'm grateful for all of my blessings and stuff too! Kids have such a wonderful way of saying it the best. :)

Cami said...

I'm glad you kept those sweet letters too.

Andrea said...

Those letters were so special, it brought tears to my eyes reading them. good luck with school. I really miss seeing everyone from the neighborhood--that's the hard part about moving.

Family Pictures December 23, 2024