Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cabin Fun

Our friends the Tolmans invited us to a night at their cabin. We had so much fun! Of course I forgot the camera, but I can write about it, and maybe copy some of Breanne's pictures if she posts about it.

We stopped at a little hamburger place on the way and I indulged in eating cheese and ranch on a lettuce wrap, but managed to avoid the red meat and onion rings! The kids had hamburgers and fries and we refrained from having shakes so I could make fruit smoothies for everyone later (I had a spinach smoothie). The cabin was so picturesque, and Jared brought the four wheelers and got them out as soon as we arrived. Patrick, Xander, Jared, and Weston went on a long ride, and then Savanna and Mara got to ride for a while longer. Breanne and I played Rummikub and I won! (I also smoked her in Yahtzee, the dice were in my favor that trip!) We watched a movie and instead of staying up late just went to bed, because I always choose sleep over fun after 10:00 PM. The next morning Jared took me on a lovely ride, I love the mountains in the morning. Breanne made us a yummy breakfast casserole and I indulged again and had 3 bites, but tried to stick to my watermelon and cantelope. W Yes, because of poor diet I felt very tired and headachey the rest of the day and into Sunday. But still, good times. The kids said they had a lot of fun and didn't want to leave. Thanks Tolmans for the invite!

Fiora has decided that instead of practicing the piano, she wants to practice her writing. So she writes in her journal 20 minutes every day, and one day a week we go through and read her entries and edit them. She is using a dictionary to check spelling too. She articulates herself pretty well. Here is one of her entries:
Monday July 27th 2011
Today we are picking plums and eating them. They are ripe and good. Yesterday we went to my cousin Lexi Schauers' birthday party. She is 2 years old and she had a sesame street party. It was funner than I expected it to be. So when we got there we gave her a bath doll and a rubber duck that changes colors when you touch the botom of it. On Saturday I'm going to another birthday party named Lexi Gubler, so I get 2 treat bages in one week. I love birthdays (especially mine). :) I helped pick the plums. I want to watch something right now. I'm almost done I just have 2 more minutes left. Its really fun writing in my journal. Now I have one more minute. OK now I'm done writing in my journal, nevermind.
Love Fiora

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In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family