Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday morning post

Jared decided his Elder's Quorum needed an activity, so he came up with this great idea to have a Daddy Daughter night.  Dads and daughters engaged in horseback ride races, wheelbarrow rides, dressing up for a photo shoot, sponge tosses, and daughters putting nail polish on dads and dads putting makeup on daughters. It was a big hit for those who came. And Justin and Bailey Schauers came and supported Jared which was nice of them!

getting his nails done by the girls

so pretty!

Sponge toss

horseback races
In other news this past week, Weston got a mysterious illness last weekend, he had a fever for two days that went as high as 103, he threw up a few times the first day, but otherwise had no symptoms and I still can't figure out what the cause must have been.  Thankfully no one else was affected.  Last Saturday I got to watch my sister Holly's kids for a little bit while she went to the doctor for her ultra sound of #5 (they aren't finding out the gender but suspect it is a girl).  The cousins had fun, come visit more often Holly! My kids took some cute pictures of her kids, and Savanna made everyone fruit smoothies.




Sylvan again
Saturday we went to Jesse and Kelsy's for a movie night in their awesome theater. They are doing very awesome things with their landscaping and I was impressed!  Monday we had my parents and younger generation of siblings over for FHE and had a barbecue.  We talked my dad into playing "Curses" which was very funny, but with 11 people it took FOREVER and at the end with 5 people still in we called it quits.  Everyone deemed me the honorable winner because I had the most curse cards, but it really was anyone's win.

Thursday the kids and I went on a bike ride/run. I ran, they biked.  It was a very nice morning for it and I'm glad I got everyone out to get some exercise. 
I took the kids to the Pleasant Grove pool Friday, and grumbled the whole while we were getting ready, but had a pleasant time once there. However, we were there all of five minutes and were evacuated for 15 minutes because a girl injured her head on the diving board and had to be ambulenced out of there.  After that Fiora and Weston were fearful of the diving board, but Savanna wasn't phased a bit and did some beautiful form dives.  Weston eventually dived after he practiced jumping off the side a few times, and he loved it, but Fiora was yanking on my arm to "please make Weston stop" and "Weston is going to die" and "I can't watch this mom, what if he gets hurt???"  Fiora has never been a fan of the diving board but the injury only reinforced her fears.  Better safe than sorry, I don't force my kids to do anything they don't feel comfortable with at that level. Afterwards we had pizza, which the kids thought was a fun reward but I only did because I was exhausted and didn't want to cook something decent.

The weekend was eventful. In addition to Jared's Daddy Daughter party, there was a Stake Pioneer Day Breakfast, a Primary Pioneer Day Activity, and Jared took us to "Taste of Utah" at the Riverbottoms where we bought a ticket and were able to try samples of many yummy restaurants in Utah Valley.  It was super hot and a lot of waiting, but worth it I thought for the varieties of samples, and all in small portions like I like. The kids ran through the splash pad and got super wet, which was ok at the time, but then we went to "Pirates: Band of Misfits" at the dollar theater and the kids were very cold. We got home at 5 and Jared hadn't had enough of activities apparently because 10 minutes later he was out the door again, taking Weston to the Provo River to fish.

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February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...