Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weston does flips

I couldn't suppress the feeling that I needed to put Weston back in gymnastics. He was in gym from age 3 to age 6, and was a level 2 when I pulled him out in 2010 because I couldn't juggle graduate school, his soccer schedule, and the girls' lessons/soccer on my own anymore. Gymnastics was always sort of my "thing," Jared was never really interested in having the kids in there but just let me enroll them because I wanted to. About age 8 both Fiora and Savanna begged me to let them quit, they didn't like it and were not progressing (and were incidentally still in level 2 at age 8). I don't make my kids do what I want them to, I want to be careful to not live vicariously through my children. The past two years Weston has done soccer, and on the side--he jumps on the trampoline. And boy does he ever jump. He flips and flips and flips again, every way you can think of. This last summer he has started trying to do his trampoline tumbling on the ground.  One evening Jared encouraged him to do a back handspring one evening so he did, just like that. Jared said, "Maybe we should put him back in gymnastics." It was painfully obvious that Weston has some natural talent at tumbling, and with Jared on board I had the courage to try to add one more thing to our schedule this fall. I went to the All American Gymnastics with some trepidation that it wouldn't work out, what if he had digressed to level 1 and we had to start over? What if I was just being a proud mommy that couldn't see he was just "average"? What if the class times were right when Savanna had violin, Fiora had clogging, and Weston had soccer, and I had appointments??? So when we had an evaluation done and the instructor said, "He's definitely a level 3 and should enroll in a pre-teen team-prep class every Wednesday and Monday at 6"... I just about fainted!  Not only did he progress a whole level without even being in gymnastics, the class he needs to be in is on the only two free nights at exactly the right time for me to take him!  There has to be a reason this is important for Weston to enhance his gymnastics skills, because I fought the desire to put him in hard, and was very careful not to make it an extension of my own ego, and was trying to simplify not multiply tasks when I felt urged to enroll him, but it all worked out too beautifully to not be meant-to-be.


Betty Ann Curtis said...

He is amazing! Go Weston!!!

Stacy said...

So cool! JD walked up while I was watching and said "holy cow - that's Weston?" He was very impressed. Marissa is too...she wants to be a gymnast so bad!!!!

The Snow Family said...

My goodness! I can't wait to see him in the Olympics 2020!

Heidi said...

Hey...and don't forget the lovely receptionist you encountered upon arriving at AAG! ;)
So glad it worked out - in all areas!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...