Thursday, July 25, 2013

Keepin em busy

OK so the kids are all downstairs watching America's Got Talent with Jared. I don't know what my deal is, I love talents, but that show drives me nuts. So I'm taking the alone time to blog.
Today I pried the kids away from the media devices and we went on a bike ride down to the Shaved Ice Shack. And when I say down, I mean straight down, 30 mph down 400 E.  We took a more gradual trail back up, but it was still a little tough for them in the mid heat of the day.  But they got out!  And exercised. Fiora got some heat hives on her face and Weston was beat red and Savanna about hyperventilated.  I gladly sprayed them all with the hose when we got home to cool them down.

In other news, Fiora got a hair cut, Savanna is officially taller than me, and Weston has been allowed to join a pre-team level 5/6 class in the fall for gymnastics. Which means if he and we can handle the commitment, three hour classes three times a week. This is a "generation of masters." Competitors really want kids to specialize in something these days!  Whatever you decide is your "thing," be prepared to sell your soul. Gone are the days of a little soccer here, baseball there, swimming if we feel like it. If you want to dance, and do it competitively, you dance your feet off sister! Even Savanna's violin teacher has asked to increase her lesson time and subsequently the tuition come fall, and that combined with orchestra means Sav will need to be on her violin at least 9 hours every week too.  Jared and I are still wondering what Fiora's "thing" is, she has managed to avoid specializing in anything other than reading, and playing "Tunnel Town" on the iPad. (I actually really like that particular game).  Guess she will grow up and be a social worker like me! I don't master at anything either except my MSW, but I'm not of the "generation of masters."

Some days are long and dull for the kids with both parents working at times, this morning the kids resorted to playing "pretend" and were taping power cords to their faces pretending they were oxygen cannulas, and needed surgery. I thought that was funny, but also I was glad they are still young enough to play make believe, they are growing up too fast. Weston and Jared went fishing one morning, Weston was cold and fell in the river but still claimed to have a great time. I took the kids to the Lindon pool a couple times, they have way grown out of the kiddie area and now stay in the big pool the majority of the time. One evening Jared and I joined Heidi and Gabe and my parents and went to the over priced under fed "Communal" and then to sports comedy club.  That was hilarious! Would love to revisit that place. And last night we had a wonderful "Pioneer Campfire" at our home and the Barretts joined us for food and fun. The fireworks throughout the valley we can watch from our deck on the 24th are amazing!




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Family Pictures December 23, 2024