Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Don't end summer

I don't think I'm ready for the hectic life of having school start again, but then again it will be nice to have some other way besides pleading, begging, mean mom to motivate the kids to be wise with their time.  We are enjoying summer while it lasts.  I've added a few pictures from our Pioneer day barbecue, my dad played frisbee golf with the kids and they had a blast.  Also a cute picture of Knightly and Penny.
The Saturday after Pioneer day Jared took me Fiora and Weston to the canyon to ride four wheelers.  We rode for about an hour and a half to a lodge where we had lunch. Jared even splurged and let the kids get hot chocolate because they had a good attitude about the rocky ride. It was a beautiful ride nonetheless. It was nice to go 4 wheeling again.
Last Thursday Weston and Fiora went with me again to the snow cone shack for another bike ride down and up our big hills, Savanna was done with that idea and stayed home.  I bought Wes and Fi the "big kahuna" snow cone and they couldn't finish it, but it was cool to get once, and a loooot of sugar, they both felt pretty sick coming back up the hill.  We probably wont try that again.
Savanna has been doing a lot of babysitting this summer which is good so she can earn some money and stay busy. It has been hard to keep her busy, and her idle hands really are the devils workshop. I will evermore describe this 2013 summer as "Savanna's Moody Summer."   I know she is going to be really slammed once school starts so I'm biding my time and letting her have her lazy break. And I remind myself that my compassion and patience are growing leaps and bounds dealing with her negativity. Weston gives me lots of hugs when he sees me struggling with Savanna. I told him once that I'm so glad he still likes me, and he asked "Why wouldn't I like you?" and I said "Maybe you will know when you are 12 or 13, but for now thank you for thinking I'm the best mom ever."
The kids slept over at Heidi and Gabe Carpenters last weekend and we had dinner with them when we dropped them off. It was fun to spend time with them and they have a lovely new home. We are happy for them, my kids love Heidi she is a fun aunt.
Work for me has REALLY slowed down, so I have more time on my hands for cooking and cleaning and such. I made a nice healthy dinner all this week and last, and today we had a dinner so pretty I took a picture, cobb salad. My kids are homebodies, even when I am home and encouraging them to go out and play with friends they just adhere to the house. I've had to put some limits on electronics.
Jared's work is super busy, but he is trying to balance work and personal life. He has found some time to work on some family history which is great. Jared took Savanna to the temple to do baptisms for the first time. She was very patient with the 2 hour wait. Jared was so handsome baptizing her and others there at the temple, I was glad I came to observe that ordinance. Jared was in charge of the ward neighborhood bbq and pool party saturday and he spent a good part of his weekend preparing for it.  It went really well and we had the yummiest smoked pulled pork I've ever had!  Jared hasn't been able to do much fishing lately, but maybe when fall comes and work slows down for him he can hit the river.

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February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...