Monday, December 10, 2007

Tooth #6

Savanna's 6th tooth fell out last night. She was wiggling it with her tongue all day Saturday and Sunday, so no surprise when Sunday night she got it out. She put it under her pillow, and when she came to me at 7:00 AM Monday morning with the tooth she said, "tooth still here, and no money!" I suggested maybe the tooth fairy doesn't work on Sundays. But the truth was we plum forgot! Sunday was super busy, besides being my sister Holly's birthday it was the day I organized and played for the Young Women to sing a musical number in church, taught the Relief Society Lesson, led a choir practice and the choir to sing at Stake Music Night, and performed in the Stake Choir. The home teachers also snuck in a visit somewhere in there. By the time my head hit the pillow I was out and forgot about the tooth fairy. I told Savanna to tell Jared about the slacker fairy, and a few minutes later he told her to check in her pillow case because sometimes the tooth fairy accidentally gets it in there. She shouted a "Hooray!" because sure enough there was a dollar from the tooth fairy.

Weston got a shooting lesson down in Gunnison this weekend. Jared assisted him in shooting his first 22. I was a bit nervous about that, but when I saw the pictures he sure looked cute! Jared's determined to make a shooting and fishing buddy out of Weston no matter how small he is.


Cami said...

WOW! Six teeth lost already! Jeffy hasn't had one even wiggle yet! Nice save by Jared.

Breanne said...

Yippe for Savanna!! I still have a few more years until Xander starts losing his teeth. Those pics of Weston are cute, but you're right, that would make me nervous too.

Natalie said...

I like reading your blogs. I love your description of your kids, Savannah defending his honor, it is fun to see kids through their parents eyes.

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...