Sunday, February 3, 2008

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

We got another solid 6 inches of snow today. And that on top of what Savanna is modeling in front of here. There was no school on Friday and instead of staying inside cooped up and at each other's throats, we went sledding! Jared had to go to Eagle Mountain for some business so he dropped us off at a great sled hill on the way. Weston got hit in the head by a sled of a kid whose head was in the clouds, but otherwise it all went well. Too bad we could only stay for 2 hours, as soon as we got in the car to go home we were all at ech other's throats again.

Saturday we dragged the kids with us to shop for a big-boy bed for Weston who is growing out of his toddler bed. Of course the girls wanted new beds too when they saw all the different beds. We tried to explain to Savanna, who insisted we get her a new bed or move out of our room so she can have our bed, that we just don't have money to burn, and she simply said, "You both need to get better jobs." I wonder how long it would take for her to realize she'd rather have a mom than a $600 bed. I was hoping the girls would be satisfied with their bunk beds until college, maybe not. I compromised with "when we move into a bigger house and you have your own room, you can have a new bed" which Fiora countered with "let's move tomorrow."

Fiora in her red leotard for gymnastics. Maybe if we quit gymnastics we could afford a new bed for her.

Batman taking off. We never did get him a bed, just a headboard, everything is too expensive! Jared needs to find the right DEAL.

Jared and I got to go on a date to Macaroni Grill last night, how fun! Of course Jared would always rather be fishing. Too bad this weather is relentess, however we are grateful for the moisture.


Stacy said...

Cute pictures Heather! I totally understand about being at each others throats. This snow is driving me crazy! Can't wait for spring so we can walk together again - outside!

Cami said...

Sheesh! Where are you guys shopping? Don't you have an Ikea there now? We buy everything from there. But I understand about the begging and things. Jefferson wants everything he sees on TV or in magazines (one of the reasons they are not allowed to watch commercials). I try to explain how much things cost, but he doesn't quite get it.

I can't believe they finally had a snow day in Utah! I'm glad you got to go sledding. Usually, our snow days are on days when there's not enough snow to sled.

Carpenter Column said...

Fiora loves that leo - it's her "strawberry shortcake" leotard. Lucy loves it too!
I liked the thing about Jared. :)

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...