Thursday, August 21, 2008

What goes up must come down

What was he thinking? Nobody knows. But I witnessed it with my own eyes, Weston threw a rock up in the air and it came back down fast on his head. I sauntered over to him, "Ow, that must have hurt. Maybe you'll learn not to throw rocks..." and then I saw the blood! YiKes! Lecture over. I scurried Wes in the house and straight to the bathroom where the removable showerhead was and washed his poor red head (the girls somehow witnessed this and ran to their room crying, and darn it I just washed that white rug) and thought another trip to the ER was coming. Jared calmed me down and suggested we get the bleeding to stop to assess the damage. I wanted to shave his head right there but Jared wouldn't have it. All this time Weston is crying and beggin us to stop washing and touching his owie. We decided it was going to be alright without stitches but had to figure out a way to keep a bandage on his hairy head. White tape and gauze strapped to his chin. It worked!

The Rock.

This week Savanna started school. She was the most adorable 2nd grader there of course. Transitions are always challenging with Savanna, she is so excited to have a change but gets pretty frustrated with all that is involved. Tuesday we were totally in a fight from the minute she woke up to the minute she dropped to sleep that night. She likes to negotiate:
Mom: you need to practice the piano now Savanna
Savanna: I'll only practice if you sit right here (patting piano bench)
Mom: I'm not going to sit there while you whine and cry about practicing
Savanna: Alright then I won't practice
Mom: Yes you will
Savanna: Then I don't have to do my dish job
Mom: Really?
Savanna: If you make me do dishes I won't practice and won't learn piano and it will be all your fault. Is that what you want? (a phrase she picked up from Jared)
I'm so mean, making her learn piano like that.

Fiora has a new friend! Rebecca Gomez, who lives just three houses down the street and is just her age and amazingly is also in her class at school. (Fiora starts kindergarten on Monday.) They have been playing together nearly every day and it makes me so happy that my free spirited Fi has a friend. Fiora went to the dentist yesterday and got a perfect report from the dentist, the pain she was complaining about that I was sure was cavities was just teething pains. She has 4 molars coming in! She was very brave and helpful at the dentist. She said, "I was even more brave than you mom!" Ha ha.


Cami said...

We did not fare so well with the dentist. Both my boys have cavities, and we couldn't even do an entire exam because they wouldn't allow anything inside their mouths. Sillies.

Poor Weston!! Ouch! Silly rock throwing boy. Ethan did that the other day too, but no blood.

Natalie said...

Yeah that Fiora has a friend. Now we just need one for Avery :) And savannah is hillarious. That is the word people use to describe Avery, so I might be in for the same threats :)

Stacy said...

Hopefully Weston learned his lesson of rock throwing. What a funny kid. Savanna is always so cute when she is here for piano. Sometimes she will say that we had a really busy week so i didn't get to practice much. It is so fun how mature kids can act sometimes!

Amber said...

Poor Weston, I'm just waiting for Harrison to do something like that. So far he's escaped any major injury. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Maria Olson said...

Wow! That rock did that? Poor kid. Savannah is a very cute 2nd grader, and very smart I have to say. How do they learn to be so manipulative? My kids do the same thing.

Cody and Utahna said...

We're glad Weston survived. Now I know it wasn't funny at the time, but seeing that scotch tape now has to make you laugh! You guys are so creative, and under pressure!

Johnsons said...

Poor little Weston. I did have to laugh at that bandage, you guys are awesome. I am glad he didn't have to go to the emergency room. I can already tell that McKartnee is going to give me a run for my money like Savannah. I will have to call you for advice when the time comes.
I feel just like you, I am not ready to give summer up. It went way too fast!!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...