Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Early Bird

This year at school Savanna was on late track, 9:15-3:30, which her teacher called "Later Gater." At least once a week I have listened to Savanna complain about being a later gater. She really wants to be an early bird and go home at 2:15 with the early track students. So I signed Fiora up for 8:00 kindergarten and changed Savanna to early track for next year, so they can walk to school together. I am very nervous about it and keep asking myself why I allowed Savanna to talk me into this. Next school year my be a morning after morning ritual of cranky kids complaining that they have to get up early. Well, that will teach them (and me) and we'll switch to late track in 2009.

Weston got a haircut Monday, a real butch, for the summer. He said he wanted a haircut like Kayden's (buzz) so I buzzed the bottom half and cropped the top. Picture forthcoming.

Fiora and Weston seem surprisingly inhibited by the influx of bugs outside. I have been encouraging them to play outside in this nice weather and they have been running back in the house screaming "wasp!" "bee!" "spider!" and even "boxelder bug!" Fiora is very careful to close the door to the house so "no bugs can get in". I am their mighty bug body guard and must be outside with them to thwart all attempts of bugs to fly or land near.

I'm teaching Westons Joyschool this week, we are learning trust and confidence. I just don't think I'm the one who should be teaching this section. I encourage them that they are creative and artistic and when they draw their self portraits I say "you're doing it wrong, faces aren't purple!" I teach the boys to be adventurous and confident and when they play outside I snap "don't play with the hose" and "be careful don't do that!" I'm afraid I'm rather dashing their confidence. Weston refused to come back inside after play time and missed half the lesson anyway.


Cami said...

That is why I never did joyschool. It would have been me teaching a bunch of kids as Ethan ran around doing what he wanted. Naughty-pants.

Sara said...

Hope it goes well next year!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...