Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cause to Rejoice

I just received this letter and have been overwhelmed with emotion since.


Heather Schauers
1089 N 800 W
Orem Utah 84057
United States of America

Dear Heather,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Brigham Young University as a graduate student. We look forward to having you join us for your graduate studies and trust that your graduate experience will be both challenging and rewarding.

Please indicate your intent to enroll at BYU for graduate study in Social Work MSW for Fall 2009 by clicking the link below. If your program requires a deposit to reserve a spot in the entering class, you will be able to submit your deposit online.

Please click here to indicate whether you will be accepting or declining our offer of admission.

Carefully check the information above pertaining to your admission. If corrections are needed, please notify our office immediately. Should you be unable to enroll in the semester for which you have been admitted, please contact your department.

Graduate students are given first priority in registering, so it is best to register early to get the classes you want. Tuition must be paid 7 days prior to the first day of class. Failure to pay by then will result in a hold that restricts adding or deleting classes. To register, please log in to http://www.byu.edu with your net ID and password. Click on Route Y, School, MyMap, and Register. Be sure you are aware of the minimum registration requirements available at the following webpage: view minimum registration requirements. The graduate coordinator of your program is available to advise you of graduate program requirements and details of your first registration. The coordinator will also introduce you to members of the graduate faculty and assist you in selecting an advisory committee and determining your course of study.

Since all future correspondence will be sent via e-mail, please keep your e-mail address current on Route Y (BYU's Intranet), accessible at http://ry.byu.edu. If your email provider automatically removes bulk messages, be sure to add gradstudies@byu.edu to your address book. If our office can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call us. We wish you continued success.

Bonnie Brinton, Ph.D.
Dean, Graduate Studies


Stacy said...

Congrats Heather! I am excited for you! The lady that sent that to you Bonnie Brinton - I used to work with her when I was at BYU. I was a secretary in the Education Dean's Office. So I know who she is. But no doubt she wouldn't remember me! Anyway - good luck and yippee!

Sara said...


Holly said...

YAY CONGRATS HEATHER!! youve worked so hard! im so hapy for you! what an accomplishment! and yay for savana! im so sad i missed her big day. but tell her i love her and im so glad she is babtized now!

Kaylee said...

CONGRATS!! How exciting!

Maria Olson said...

That is awesome! Congratulations!

Cami said...

YAY! I'm so so happy for you. But also, that sounds hard and stuff. I hope you have a great experience.

Emily N. said...

I am so happy for you! What a fun adventure and something that will be of great benefit to you no doubt. You have so much to offer. Best wishes in the grind ahead!

runningfan said...


Amber said...

Congratulations Heather!! You are so dedicated and you're such a hard worker, you'll be done before you know it!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...