Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June stuff

June has FLOWN by. We've have a lot of happenings. Soccer camp mon and wed monrnings for weston and savanna. Gymnastics wednesday for fiora. Baptisms, birthdays galore, fathers day, showers, dinners, it's been fun. I have seen more of my side of the family this month that the whole year put together.

My parents falling asleep after Sunday dinner.

Sav, Fi, and Wes with cousin Lucy aunt Rachel and uncle Joseph over for a sunday dinner.

Savanna fell off her bike and the girl behind her ran into her face. Bad fat lip.

Savanna dressed Weston up like a clown for her carnival in the back yard. She invited 10 people and managed to get 2 girls to come.

Then this ordeal of my starting summer school has thrown a bit of a curve ball at us. It was like having a pre-mature baby..."You've been accepted into the program! By the way it starts next week." My sister Kynsie was here most of last week tending the kids for that, and this week my niece Lacey Weight is watching them down in Gunnison so they can make some memories with Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Neil. I hesitated to send them down there because Sandy Schauers is experiencing a lot of painful symptoms with another cancer flair up, but as this will be the kids' last chance of the summer to go to Gunnison for more than a day we stole Lacey so she could help out and took them down. That will be of tremendous help to me, I'll get a lot of school work done and preparation for our trip to Bear Lake. But lets all pray for Sandy.

Father's day was kind of an afterthought this year, and I was instructed not to buy Jared any gifts as usual. But I do want to say that Jared has been working tremendously hard this summer and I've noticed and I appreciate his efforts. He may not be home a lot, but he is here for Family Home Evening, his calling, church, and he still finds time for a date once a week with me. The kids love their dad. Savanna was so happy her father was able to baptize her. Jared took Fiora with him to get a hair cut and she really felt cheered up by that outing with him. Weston and Jared like to rough house, and Weston usually gets the worst of it, but he must like it because he initiates over and over. I love you Jared. Thanks for all you do.


Sara said...

Busy month indeed! Poor Savannah, that is one fat lip. Luckily, things like that fade fast. Good luck with school! I can't believe you've started already!

Cami said...

BUSY BUSY! Lots of things going on for sure. Thanks for the update and pics!

Maria Olson said...

It sounds crazy. If anyone can handle it, it's you. I'm so proud of you for being able to go to school and still do all that you do. You are extraordinary.

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...