Monday, May 23, 2011

Savanna's Birthday

Savanna turned 10 on May the 17th. She has had a dramaqueen history with friend parties so I utterly refused to plan a party with her peers this year. She didn't like that idea. In fact, she rebelled. She planned her OWN friend party for the Saturday prior to the 17th. She made an itinerary, set up an obstacle course, and was on the phone for a good part of the day trying to round up last minute guests. She got two friends to commit and one maybe, so Jared and I agreed to make a little extra chicken and serve them dinner. Savanna decided they needed some kind of party favor so she got out her candy bag and selected some choice candy for each friend and decided they would play "hot and cold" to find the candy. She got a movie from the Redbox and put a candle in one cupcake for everyone to sing happy birthday to her around. She told her friends "don't worry about giving me a present," but the two friends who came, Hannah and Jill, brought her a gift anyway! I thought that was great of them.

And did the night transpire without any drama??? Well, against some heavy odds, Savanna maintained a very positive attitude. The weather didn't cooperate and rained out her obstacle course. The one "maybe" friend never ended up coming, and Jill had to leave after only an hour. And Savanna couldn't even eat the cupcake because she was still off desserts at the time. Despite all this she only let one tear out and needed only one hug and was otherwise very cheerful. Jared and I were very impressed with her efforts to make her own party.

I wasn't completely heartless, on her actual birthday I had all sorts of funness planned. I spent hours the day before making a Mississippi Mud Cake for her birthday and for her first dessert off the contract. On her birthday I woke up early and made crepes and bacon for her breakfast and wrapped presents for her. She loved the breakfast and the gifts, a camera, soccer cleats, and snow cone syrup. Savanna especially loved the crepes. For lunch I checked her out of school and took her to Wendy's for date with Mom. We went to Macey's to get donuts for her class too. After school the Barretts were all here to celebrate her and Mekhi's (Holly's boy turning 7) birthdays. I had brought up tables and chairs and decorated and cooked and cleaned so we could have a fun party. My mom was over the top nice and had several presents for both Savanna and Mekhi, and she orchestrated a Boola Boola game to have the birthday girl and boy find the gifts. Savanna was showered with nice clothes by her extended family. So its official now, Savanna is a TWEEN.

1 comment:

Lyndi&Andy said...

Ahh Happy Late B-day Savannah! Way to go in planning your own b-day! We're planning Ainsley's b-day for either the 18th or 25th of June and would like to invite you, Fiora, and Weston, so look out for an invitation soon. Glad you had a good one. YEah tweens!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...