Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not playing

The kids have developed a new defense/threat mechanism this week. In order to get one of the other to play or do what they want all three of them use the phrase, "OK I'm not playing with you then." This has become used so much that they know when it's coming, Fiora saying "No I..." is interupted with "OK I'm not playing with you." The response is either "Fine!" or "Play with me!!!" They have shortened it up a bit this week. It's "K not playing" "Play with me!" in quick succession.

Weston has discovered howitshouldhaveended.com, he is particularly fond of the Spiderman episode. I enjoy those little cartoons myself, but I have to sit over his shoulder the whole time for fear of him clicking on a questionable link. My kids really have exhausted nickjr.com and pbskids.org and sesamestreet.org. I tried getting them interested in disney.com but it is basically the same games just with different characters. Soon they will be begging me for a wii...

Tonight is taco night, but I can't tell the kids that. Any hint of what I'm cooking for dinner is a cue for them to criticize my cooking. They switch off, tonight Weston will complain. When it's soup night Fiora will moan. When it's german pankcake time Savanna will wail. Jared is happy most nights, but whether he comes home by dinner time or is even hungry is up to chance. :) Jesse and Kelsy have been nothing but thankful! They are mostly the reason I keep making dinner.

Jared and I took the boy scouts on the 50 mile bike ride Saturday. I love biking, but THAT is a long time on a bike. To quote Jared, "we just kept going and going and when my rear-end said 50 miles we stopped." We froze in the morning and swealtered during mid-day, but we accomplished our goal and the boys now have a merit badge. So do I, honorary merit badge.


Kaylee said...

That's so funny about the kids' new saying! I remember at our house we also had the "shh! Don't tell mom and I'll play w/ you" if we had hurt the other person (mainly my brothers did this), but it was pretty funny. And a 50-mile bike ride?! You're crazy!

Maria Olson said...

Where do they get this? My girls say the same thing. It must be something that is inborn. I love that you guys are bike riding. That is so cool! I hear you on the dinner thing. I think the only time atleast one person doesn't complain is when we get fast food for dinner which has been happening way more often than it should lately.

Cami said...

Oh the not playing. I hate it. Jeffy is always yelling at me that Ethan won't play with him, but that's mostly because he has zoned out and doesn't even hear Jeffy asking.

So, don't worry about them getting bored of computer games. They'll still play them. We only have 2 Wii days anyway, and my kids do JUST fine playing themselves to death on the internet. I hate it when they find their way to YouTube though!

Holly said...

50 miles! wow heather good job though you should get a merit badge! and i bet its nice to be able to cook for people that are aprreciative and will EAT the food.

Breanne said...

Good for you for biking! I haven't gotten on a bike for who knows how long!

Stacy said...

Way to go on the 50 miles! That is so awesome!

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