Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jared Jared

Here is mighty Jared fixing the weather stripping on our front door. He also replaced the squeeky, falling out hinges. Now we won't know if robbers come in the house because it is a silent door! Jared braved Old Navy on Black Friday and bought us all jeans and shirts. The gal at the cashier asked if his wife dragged him out of bed at 6:30 AM to come shopping. He said, "Uh no, I'm here by myself." "You're here by yourself?" she echoed. The lady behind him heard the cashier and repeated, "You're here by yourself?" and turned to the lady behind her, "He's here by himself!" That earned more "wow"s down the line. He was pretty embarrassed. I'm sure the ladies were very impressed. I was very grateful for the jeans and sweater he brought home for me. Jared has been experimenting in the kitchen a little also. He made us some "wise guys" style sandwiches for dinner Saturday night. Delicious! What with the new Home Basics Building having a kitchen and all, the guys have been making lunch. On Jared's shift he made taco soup that was a big hit. He just improves with age...

This picture was taken by Savanna. I love how she didn't mention the closet door was gaping open behind us. We love you Jared!
The kids helped me get the tree set up on Saturday. Turned out pretty good. I've just read book 1 and 2 of Fablehaven and the kids have been asking me to tell them the story. They love my retelling-from-memory-as-best-I-can so much that after 10 or 15 minutes I am ready to do something else and they all beg me to "keep telling Fablehaven!" "Five more minutes!"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fiora Weston Savanna

Dad came home one day with a dollar for each of the kids. Just because I love you, he said. Fiora promtly put her dollar in her bank and asked me to take her to the store today to spend it. She bought a toilet with powder candy for water and plunger suckers to dip in the toilet. Candy makers these days! She has ALREADY advanced to level 2 in gymnastics. Way to go Fi! Fortunately there was an opening in that class for her at the same time. She's got talent.

Another talented one in our family is Savanna. She has diligently been attending choir at school at 7:15 in the morning and learned 5 Christmas songs. She modestly accepted my invitation to sing one of them, "Chocolate in my Stocking" for the ward Christmas party. She has a lot of enthusiasm and a good pitch and will do great. Savanna had a read-a-thon in school today and was very excited to go to school in her jammies with a pillow. They are sending her home with chapter books to read! Takes a while to get through them but she's doing it. We had some Indians in the house on Friday, Savanna's and Weston's classes made Indian costumes out of paper bags and they were so cute!

Weston insisted that he was "the Indian Chief" on Friday, but has now forgotten about Indian Chief. Today he is Steve/warrior with toy sword and sheild. He makes up costumes out of toys, clothes, costumes, paper; he had Savanna make him a Superwhy mask and taped a towel to his back for the cape. If I try to play his counterpart he politely tells me "That's cheating." I think what he means is, that's not working for you, mom.

On Saturday while Jared was at work, with scouts, and getting a hair cut the kids asked me to make a little face art. It was so fun, and they were so good with me in the house all day. I love my kids! Savanna Fiora and Weston you are wonderful and I love being your mother!!!

oh twilight

My sister-in-law Wendy bought me a ticket opening day to Twilight and I couldn't resist seeing how they made this movie. It was pretty good except that it was so low-budget. After seeing movies like X-men, Hellboy, and even The Grinch I couldn't help but wonder where the make-up artist was for this movie. The vampires looked like they put some dusting powder on thier faces and were good to go. And the hair stlyist, eh. They left out many of my favorite charming scenes, but you can't put in everything. I'm glad I got to see it. Thanks for including me Wendy! I loved having a girls outing and seeing a fun movie.

Monday, November 17, 2008

She doesn't do hair

After my jog Saturday I came home to a dilemma. Savanna had decided to do Fiora's hair and used the comb like a curling iron. I remember doing the same dang thing when I was a kid to my own head. Savanna had that hair so tightly wound around the comb I thought we were going to have to cut Fiora's hair like a boy's. Then I got a brilliant idea to cut the comb instead of the hair. It took me 25 minutes to work the comb out.

Weston left two crayons in his kahki's pocket and I washed and dried those kahkis in the WHITE load. That was a family tragedy. All our underwear and white shirts were speckled with red and orange. I try to check the kids' pockets thoroughly now before washing them, and it's amazing what I find. What was happening to all that stuff before I checked their pockets?
Weston has a new favorite show -- Superwhy. Although he still loves Blue's Clues. I found this clue in our kitchen that he made. I told him I found a clue and he said "Mom you are not a kid." I guess that my finding a clue doesn't count.

Mom: Savanna I will give you a quarter if you clean the kitchen
Sav: The whole kitchen?
Mom: Yes
Sav: I don't care about money
Mom: Fiora if you clean up this kitchen I will give you a quarter.
Fi: Can I buy anything I want with my quarter?
Mom: Anything that costs a quarter
Fi: Do I have to do the WHOLE kitchen?
Sav: Fiora, if you want a quarter I suggest you clean the whole thing.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Being in school for nearly 3 months makes one grateful. With not a lot of time for anything but kids and studies I feel grateful for friends and family who I miss associating with. Justin and Shawna Schauers came by Saturday night and played games with us, I was nearly in tears for the joy of socializing. I'm grateful for Sunday dinners with my parents out in Eagle Shmountain. I'm grateful for email, I am better at email that other methods for keeping in touch with people. My parents and siblings were in Orem Monday and stopped by here for a little FHE. I loved it! I love them. My sister Kynsie just got her braces off, we took a picture of all of us once "brace face" girls. (My poor parents, all 7 girls will probably end up with braces Rachel's next...) So this picture represents 12000 dollars worth of dental work.

I'm grateful for my kids' health. I just heard that my cousin Angela's oldest boy has Type I diabetes, he is only 3. My heart broke when I heard that. Although we went through a tough struggle with Lillian, our other three children are so healthy and bright. We are so grateful. I am also GrATEFUL for Jared! He is also mightly healthy, but also mighty good. Last night he had a conflict and couldn't watch the kids after work so I could go to class. I called nearly everyone I could think of, including my mom (just to vent because I knew she couldn't)and was driven to tears trying to find a way to get to class. Thankfully Lacey and Lyndi Weight offered to watch them extremely last minute. So I rushed them up there and rushed me to campus and sat in a classroom for 30 minutes with 45 other students and our professor was a no-show. Some emergency or something...sure wish I could see into the future in those instances. Instead of being mad at Jared I was actually very grateful because of all the times he IS there and DOES come home after work to make it possible for me to do my evening classes.

So now that I've been mushy and boring here is a couple photos to put a smile on your face. Hanna Montana came to visit:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby Blues says it all

Weston has been clumsy like this lately and he always comes to me saying "It leary hurts!" (Leary is his verson of "really")

This is Fiora, she can and likes to burp. I really get after her when she loudly burps repeatedly. The other day she informed Weston "Don't do that at the table because it's impolite." So it must have sunk in.

This is me these days. My kids play together so cute and when I enter they pause, usually because they know a request is about to be made (did you practice? is your room clean?) but sometimes just because they don't want me to watch.

I just thought this was funny because they created Daryl so funny-looking.

Monday, November 3, 2008


For any of our readers who may keep up the the Wilkinson Quints (my cousin Rachelle and her cute babies!) I just have to put in a plug for their recent post - hilarious!

Mummy, and Batman, and princess oh my

Fiora just donned one of the princess dresses we have had for years for Halloween. I thought we should put at least a little effort into her costume so I put some makeup on her. She said, "Mom I look wild!" Hmm, maybe too much makeup. She said she was going to pose wild for her picture.
Savanna wanted to be a mummy out of toilet paper. I thought I'd be even more smart and rip up an old white crib sheet. Unfortunately that didn't quite work either, even with 20 safety pins, because it bunched up and fell apart whenever she moved. Oh well, people knew what she was trying to be.
Jared took the kiddies around and I stayed home to hand out the candy. I put on Jesse's green Santa mask for a few kids. Weston sure was terrified of that mask when Jesse snuck up the stairs wearing it. He jumped in my arms shaking! "Mom there is something on the stairs!" I felt bad for the little guy! He laughed the next day when I put it on though.
I must say I made the GREATEST pumpkin seeds ever this year. Totally worth the cost of 4 big pumpkins. Recipe if your interested:

Rinse seeds from apx 2 large pumpkins
coat cookie sheet with 1/3 cup vegetable oil
lay seeds on a cookie sheet
sprinkle worchestersire sauce generously on seeds
salt seeds
bake at 375 for 30 minutes, stirring once

Amy's Bday

My sister in law Amy celebrated her birthday yesterday so I wanted to post a blog for her to tell her how much I appreciate her! She is Jared's brother's wife, and the first 8 years they were married I didn't have a chance or take the opportunity to get to know her, but this year we started running together and I feel sorry for the lost years we were in the same family but never really acquainted, now I can't live without her! She has become a very dear friend and I love her a lot. I'm so glad we will be in the same family unit forever. Happy Birthday Amy!

7 strange things

I have a friend who went to high school with me who I haven't seen in a LONG time because she lives in Illinois! Her name is Amber. She posted a tag of "7 strange things" about herself on her blog and the whole time I was reading it I was thinking "That is me!!!" (except for the double jointed part) and then she coincidentally tagged me at the end. I really love blogging for the very reason that I get to keep up with friends I never see. So here's to Amber, 7 strange things...

1. I do not like shopping for myself. I love to shop for other people, (quickly), but most of my clothes and shoes are gifts or second-hand items because I can't stand shopping. Frustrating.

2. I dislike television shows. (Sorry Cami!) I do not enjoy them one bit. I just criticize the heck out of almost every TV show made with the exception of "the Office" and even that is lame sometimes.

3. I have no patience for primping. I only wear make-up for Jared's sake so he can feel like he his wife is not a hag.

4. I never kissed a boy until college, and Jared's was #2 boy ever I kissed.

5. I like giving talks and lessons.

6. I look forward to the day I die, I affectionately call it "graduation day."

7. I had one miscarriage, one c-section, two natural biths, and one epidural. All encompassing birthing experiences.

I tag Stacy H and Shelene W

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...