Here is mighty Jared fixing the weather stripping on our front door. He also replaced the squeeky, falling out hinges. Now we won't know if robbers come in the house because it is a silent door! Jared braved Old Navy on Black Friday and bought us all jeans and shirts. The gal at the cashier asked if his wife dragged him out of bed at 6:30 AM to come shopping. He said, "Uh no, I'm here by myself." "You're here by yourself?" she echoed. The lady behind him heard the cashier and repeated, "You're here by yourself?" and turned to the lady behind her, "He's here by himself!" That earned more "wow"s down the line. He was pretty embarrassed. I'm sure the ladies were very impressed. I was very grateful for the jeans and sweater he brought home for me. Jared has been experimenting in the kitchen a little also. He made us some "wise guys" style sandwiches for dinner Saturday night. Delicious! What with the new Home Basics Building having a kitchen and all, the guys have been making lunch. On Jared's shift he made taco soup that was a big hit. He just improves with age...
This picture was taken by Savanna. I love how she didn't mention the closet door was gaping open behind us. We love you Jared!
The kids helped me get the tree set up on Saturday. Turned out pretty good. I've just read book 1 and 2 of Fablehaven and the kids have been asking me to tell them the story. They love my retelling-from-memory-as-best-I-can so much that after 10 or 15 minutes I am ready to do something else and they all beg me to "keep telling Fablehaven!" "Five more minutes!"