Tuesday, November 25, 2008

oh twilight

My sister-in-law Wendy bought me a ticket opening day to Twilight and I couldn't resist seeing how they made this movie. It was pretty good except that it was so low-budget. After seeing movies like X-men, Hellboy, and even The Grinch I couldn't help but wonder where the make-up artist was for this movie. The vampires looked like they put some dusting powder on thier faces and were good to go. And the hair stlyist, eh. They left out many of my favorite charming scenes, but you can't put in everything. I'm glad I got to see it. Thanks for including me Wendy! I loved having a girls outing and seeing a fun movie.


Cassi said...

I totally agree about the make up and hair!! And what was with the red lips? If I lived in Forks I wouldn't think they were beautiful... I would think they were creepy!
So... our tickets for Wicked were only $70 and they were moderate seats... the cheap seats were like $30! I can't believe you can't find some for under $170! We got ours on Ticketmaster and that seems to be the best place we've found to get them, unless you want to go to the box office. Maybe your theater is just more expensive than ours!? It's so good though, I hope you find some cheaper ticekts!!

Cassi said...

PS- if it doesn't come there until April then tickets might not even be on sale yet and you might be looking at ticket broker websites that are trying to sell them for a huge profit. We saw a lot of those when we were trying to get tickets... I bet that's it. If you go here: http://www.wickedthemusical.com/ and click on "On tour" and then on your city it will take you to your theatre's web page and it should say when tickets go on sale there.
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Carpenter Column said...

I love your movie heads-up notes. I hope I can see it soon!

Cody and Utahna said...

I've been wondering about this movie too. It looked pretty lame to me, but practically everyone else in our RS went to go see it. Is it good enough to recommend/worth 8 bucks, or should I wait for the DVD rental? I value your opinion.
Your kids are so funny. Annali and Chandler have been looking at those toilets as well!

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