Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cement Pad

Well this year may as well be called the Home Improvement year. Here we have the side of the yard which is usually covered in knee-high weeds being transformed into a cement pad. Jared and I have wanted to do this since we moved in but always had many other things to spend our money on and saving for it took a few years. These "before" pictures don't show how atrocious this looked because Jared had mowed it and taken away all the garbage that had collected. It looks much much better. My uncle Mike Terry and his sons did the cement work, we recommend them if you are in need of concrete!

Here's some Home Improvement clips to celebrate:


Breanne said...

I saw that today!! So awesome!!

Robin said...

that looks so great!!

Amy said...

Wow that is so nice! I'm glad you finally got your cement pad!! Now Jared can fill it up with all kinds of toys:)

Maria Olson said...

Clarence is jealous! We need the same thing at our house, and he does concrete, but we must be patient. It looks great. Congrats!

Holly said...

woohooooo sweet now you have more room on your driveway! and no more weeds looks nice. and lol i love home improvement

Cami said...

Hmmm, I walked on it and didn't even know to be impressed because I was so behind on your blog. Lame am I.

Family Pictures December 23, 2024